
Sustainability at My Cubby House

Sustainability Blog - Child Care Southport Gold Coast - My Cubby House

At My Cubby House we believe that by creating and providing a sustainable environment where our children will learn to care and appreciate their world. We embed sustainable practices every day in all relevant learning areas. Sustainability education can be fun, engaging and empowering for children. It allows them to take responsibility for their actions and to contribute their vision for a sustainable future.

In our centre some of the practices the educators and children follow:

• Turning off all lights and air-conditioners when no one is in the rooms
• Turning taps off
• Using the half flush on the toilets
• Recycle
• Used recycled materials in play and learning
• Reduce food wastage
• Purchase locally
• Grow our own vegetables
• and much more!!!
• Sustainability is more than gardening and turning off taps.

All life on Earth depends on the environment. Sustainability is the idea that humans must interact with the environment in a way that ensures there will be enough resources left for future generations.

In addition to our daily practices we provide fun monthly sustainability themes that the rooms incorporate into their teaching. We are currently having a look at pollution for the month of May. The children have enjoyed sensory play in the water seeing how our local waterways all are interconnected and if one gets polluted, so do the neighbouring waterways. Another pollutant is landfill which we begin learning what we can recycle instead. The children have thoroughly enjoyed this theme. Check out your rooms daily stories and the Sustainability monthly newsletter on Storypark and have a look at the cool pictures! For the month of June we go into the “Under the Sea” theme. Educators are excited and have some wonderful learning opportunities for the children.

My Cubby House collaborates with some incredible community programs to provide a wider range of learning opportunities for our children. We have the wonderful Nikki from the Kids in the Garden program on Monday’s in the tractor yard. Nikki has a world of knowledge and also helped teach us how to use a worm farm to provide quality fertilizer for our gardens. On the 2nd of June we were delighted to bring the RecycleMan Show to the centre where we get to learn about the importance of recycling.

We LOVE our families involvement and support! Thank you to all the families who support our big ideas. Our families have been helping us create the new boatyard garden beds and donating all of the Woolworths Discovery Garden seeds! The children had a blast growing them.

We appreciate any recycled donations from families as we use many materials in our rooms for creative learning. Items like bread clips, bottle lids, jars, alfoil and cling wraps rolls all have open possibilities of fun! Please talk to your child’s teacher if you would like to donate.

“No job is too big, and no job is too small. The care of our Earth is a job for all of us”.  Kirsten Webber – MCH Sustainability Champion.

If you have any questions about our approach to sustainability, or would like to be involved in some way, please contact our office on 07 5527 1679

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