
Extra-Curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities not only encourage social interaction; they also help develop a variety of new skills at a young age.

My Cubby House Early Learning offer a variety of education and fun activities, all included in our childcare fees! On occasion, we do provide activities at an additional cost however this will be communicated ahead of time.

Our current extra-curricular schedule is as follows:

ProgramLullaby Lane 1 & 2Huggable
Hills 1 & 2
Bravehearts Boulevard 1Bravehearts Boulevard 2Adventurers AlleyKindergarten Crossing 1Kindergarten Crossing 2
Language lessonsWedWedWedWedWedWedWed
Kindy FitnessMonMonMonMonMonMonMon
Music with Mr JFriFriFriFriFriFriFri
Kids in the Garden’ ProgramEvery
2nd Monday
2nd Monday
2nd Monday
2nd Monday
Swimming*4th TermTue 1st & 3rdTue 1st & 3rd

*attracts an additional cost

physical and emotional challenges

Kindy Fitness

Every Monday, Miss Marie brings her effervescent and fun personality to each of our rooms to deliver our physical movement program. She combines gross and fine motor movements with our children’s favourite songs to encourage the children to stay active while having fun! Children will participate in yoga, dance, ball games, obstacle courses and climbing to promote skills such as hand/eye coordination, balance, turn taking, confidence and resilience. Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, fit kids sleep better. They are also better able to handle physical and emotional challenges — from running to catch a bus to studying for a test.

My Cubby House Early Learning Childcare Centre Southport - Extra Curricular Activities

enhanced creativity and mental flexibility


Miss Lynn shares her diverse background and passion for her home country to deliver our Language Lessons every Wednesday. Using music and props, she introduces colours, numbers, basic phrases, and some of our children’s favourite songs in Language. Research shows that learning a second language at an early age boosts problem-solving, critical-thinking, and listening skills, in addition to improving memory, concentration, and the ability to multitask. Children proficient in other languages also show signs of enhanced creativity and mental flexibility.

My Cubby House Childcare Southport - Language

practice self-expression


Every Friday, Mr Jason shares his love of music with the children. Their faces light up when they catch a glimpse of his guitar and they love to listen and join in with their favourite songs. Musical experiences in childhood can accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. Music also ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words, while dancing to music helps children build motor skills and allows them to practice self-expression.

My Cubby House - Music With Mr J

natural world of plants and composting

Kids in the Garden

Miss Nikki delivers her gardening program every other Monday to our 3-5 years children. She is a qualified horticulturist that teaches children about seeds, planting veggies and fruits. She also teaches them about the natural world of plants and composting. The children have grown many veggies and plants such as corn, sunflowers, strawberries, Buk choy, herbs and many more.

My Cubby House Early Learning Childcare Centre Southport - Extra Curricular Activities

incursions and excursions programs

Incursions and Excursions

My Cubby House plans incursions and excursions to enhance our learning program. Some incursions and excursions may attract a small additional fee.  Some incursions will be listed in the Events Calendar

Quality Child care My Cubby House Early Learning Southport

Want to know more about our extra-curricular activities?

Looking for a child care centre that goes beyond the basics? My Cubby House Early Learning offers an exciting array of extra-curricular activities to enrich your child’s learning journey. We provide opportunities for creativity, physical development, and cultural awareness. Contact us now to secure a spot at My Cubby House Early Learning and give your child access to an exceptional early education experience!

My Cubby House Early Learning Childcare Centre Southport - Our Philosophy