Pre Prep Kindergarten
Get your child school ready with our Pre-Prep Kindergarten Program
Prepare your child for their academic future in our Kindergarten Crossing 1 & 2 rooms, where our qualified Early Childhood Teachers run our approved Kindergarten program. Both Classrooms have a unique outdoor enclosed space that is additional to the indoor and outdoor play areas. Our Tractor Yard has beautiful and unique layout for children to explore and have a choice of indoor or outdoor play areas.
4 - 6 Years
Pre-Prep Kindergarten
Our Centre is a Government-Approved Kindergarten Program provider. Children in our two pre-prep rooms have access to University-trained Early Childhood Teachers to help prepare them for that important next step into school. Interactive whiteboards broaden their opportunity for learning and allow children to become familiar with technology. Our pre-prep rooms adjoin to both indoor and outdoor play spaces allowing children to transition to active play throughout the day.
(4 years to school-age – Educator to child ratio of 1:11)
Prepare your child for their academic future in our Kindergarten Crossing 1 & 2 rooms, where our qualified Early Childhood Teachers run our approved Kindergarten program. Both Classrooms have a unique outdoor enclosed space that is additional to the indoor and outdoor play areas. Our Tractor Yard has beautiful and unique layout for children to explore and have a choice of indoor or outdoor play areas.
Children also participate in our extra-curricular activities of Kindy fitness, language and Music lesson, Kids in the Garden and Swimming lessons at the Aquatic Centre in term 1 and 4. Kindergarten Crossing children also enjoy our various incursions, including Marine and Wildlife animal shows, Healthy Harold, and a recycling show.
The approved kindergarten program reflects the ‘Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines’ and focuses on school readiness skills. To further enrich the school readiness program, we incorporate other learning tools such as STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and maths), Integrated school health, Reading eggs, Mathletics and much more.