
Junior Kindergarten

Junior Kindergarten

My Cubby House Early Learning offers two spacious junior kindergarten classrooms for children aged 2 to 3 years.

Our centre is different from any other with beautiful light-filled rooms, adjoining playgrounds to every classroom and an array of resources to keep your child stimulated and continuously learning new skills.  We welcome you to come and see for yourself.

  • 2 - 3 years


    Junior Kindergarten

    High ceilings and plenty of natural sunlight are distinct features of our two junior kindy rooms. The spacious indoor environment with direct access to the boat and tractor playgrounds provide varied opportunities for each child to further broaden their learning and develop their skills.

    Braveheart Boulevard 1 & 2 (2 to 3 Years – Educator to child ratio of 1:5)

    Our junior kindergarten rooms, Braveheart Boulevard 1 & 2, are spacious and bright, with plenty of space for your children to explore and investigate the learning areas.

    We offer both nappy changing and toilet facilities in these rooms and can help you begin and work through the toilet training process. All meals are provided as part of your fees, as is our extra-curricular activities, Kindy Fitness, Language and Music lessons.

    You will have access to Storypark, where you can see what your child has engaged in while here and communicate with your child’s teachers. One of our junior kindergarten rooms also has its own unique enclosed outdoor play space, which allows for a flexible routine.

Would you like to know more about our junior kindergarten services?