
How to potty train your toddler


My Cubby House Early Learning

How to toilet train your toddler

Generally speaking, toddlers begin entering the phase to start potty training anywhere from 18 months to 3 years old. How quickly they are able to do so is entirely dependent on your child. It is possible that they may be toilet trained and out of nappies by age 2 or only beginning to comprehend using the toilet by three, the important thing is that there is no set time.

When will I know if my child is ready to potty train?

The key to potty training is to not force it. If your little one is not ready, then you will not be able to force them to use it until they are. Eventually, however, they will be swayed to using one once they see other kids going to the potty or toilet on their own at child care or preschool.

How to know when your child is ready to use the potty

As soon as your child becomes aware of their own in-nappy toileting, then you may want to consider introducing them to the potty. Be sure to look out for the following:

  • They are aware of their nappy being wet or dry
  • They are aware of when they are going to the toilet in the nappy
  • They indicate the need to urinate by fidgeting or hiding
  • They are becoming more independent in completing tasks
  • They become interested in watching others use the toilet
  • Their nappy is dry for up to two hours (indicating the ability to store urine in their bladder)
  • They indicate with words or gestures when going to the toilet in their nappy
  • They begin to dislike wearing a nappy, often tugging at it when wet or soiled
  • They have regular, soft formed bowel movements
  • They can pull their pants up and down

It is important to know that not all of these signs need to be present for your child to be ready to potty train.

Preparing for potty training

In order to get your child ready to potty train, it is a good idea to start talking about it when you are changing their nappy so that they can become accustomed to the idea. And when they follow you to the bathroom (as they commonly do) speak to them about what you are doing, indicating that they too will be using the big toilet in time. Try to leave the potty out in plain sight where they will not only be able to see it but may also play and sit on it. If they have older siblings, then encourage them to sit on the potty and pretend they are using it. And you can even try using your little one’s toys to pretend that they need to use the potty as well. These are all small actions that will begin to perpetuate the idea of using the potty in your toddler’s mind.

How do I begin potty training?

If you feel that your toddler might be ready to begin using the potty, then be prepared to spend a week at home giving them your full attention while they wear no nappy at all. Other actions you may want to implement:

  • Encourage your child to sit on the potty after meals
  • Watch them closely for their potty use and continue to ask them if they would like to use the potty
  • Ask them to sit on the potty while the two of you play a game
  • Ask them to sit on the potty as soon as they know they need to go to the toilet
  • Teach them words for their different bodily functions along with the phrase “I need to go”
  • Ensure that your child’s diet consists of enough fibre and water to prevent constipation which will make toilet training far more difficult

What equipment do I need for potty training?

If your child is using the toilet, then you will need to ensure that you have a step for them to stand on. You will also need a smaller seat to securely fit inside the toilet seat as many kids are afraid of falling in. It is also recommended that before you begin potty training, you ensure that there are not big changes coming up. These can include starting day care, moving to a new house, bringing home a newborn baby or even going on holiday.

What if my child has an accident while using the potty?

If your child does not make it to the potty or misses it, do not make a fuss. Simply clean it up and wait for the next time. Making a fuss will only result in anxiety and worry about their next potty trip. It will not be perfect for a while but as soon as they succeed, that victory will be one that remains with them for the rest of their lives. All you need is one successful potty usage for them to fully grasp the concept.

At My Cubby House Early Learning, your child’s home routine will always be considered to create a consistent environment where your little one will feel safe and thrive. If you would like to enrol your child then be sure to visit our website where you can enrol online.

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