
Transition to School with the Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program

Qld Kindergarten Approved Program - My Cubby House Early Learning

Transition to School with the Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program

At My Cubby House Early Learning, we’re proud to offer the Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program to children who are four years old by June 30th of the year they attend kindergarten. Our program is government-approved and aims to prepare children for their transition to school by providing a play-based learning environment that supports their social, emotional, and cognitive development.

The Curriculum

The curriculum of the Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program is based on the Early Years Learning Framework and the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline. We focus on seven key areas: identity, connectedness, wellbeing, active learning, communication, exploration, and thinking. By focusing on these areas, we help children to develop skills and knowledge that will be useful for their transition to school and beyond.

We believe that providing a play-based learning environment is the best way to support children’s development. By making learning fun and engaging, we help children to build their confidence and enthusiasm for learning. This can be particularly beneficial as they enter the school system and encounter new challenges.

Program Details

Our qualified early childhood teachers deliver two transitions to school program, which runs for 5 days per week. We also provide regular assessments of each child’s progress to ensure that they are developing at their own pace and reaching their full potential. We offer kindy discounts, fee relief and further subsidies to assist families with kindy daily fees.

We also provide regular assessments of each child’s progress to ensure that they are developing at their own pace and reaching their full potential.

Tailored Transitions

As part of the program, we provide tailored transitions to help children move from our kindergarten program to school. These tailored transitions include transition statements that are prepared for each child, outlining their strengths, interests, and areas of development. These statements are shared with the child’s school and help to ensure that their transition to school is as smooth as possible.


My Cubby House Early Learning is proud to offer the Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program to families in our community. We believe that it’s an important program that provides children with the foundation they need to succeed in school and beyond. Our tailored transitions, including transition statements, help to ensure that children’s transition to school is as smooth as possible, and that they continue to thrive as they move into the next phase of their education. 

If you’re a parent of a four-year-old, we encourage you to learn more about the benefits of the program and how it could support your child’s development and transition to school by visiting our web page on this topic, or by calling us on 07 5527 1679.

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