
Educational Program

At My Cubby House Early Learning, we are proud to offer a Queensland Kindergarten approved educational program.

About the

Queensland Approved Kindergarten Program

A QLD Government Approved Kindergarten Program refers to a program that meets the government's standards for providing quality early childhood education to children. These programs are available in various settings such as kindergarten services, long day care services, and limited hours care services.

To qualify as an approved kindergarten program, the program must meet the following criteria:

  • It should be intended for children who are aged four by 30th June in the year they start and are in the year before Prep.
  • It should be offered for a minimum of 15 hours per week for 40 weeks or the equivalent of one school year.
  • It should be play-based, which means that it uses play as a means of learning.
  • It should be delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher who has completed a bachelor's degree in early childhood education or an equivalent qualification.
Kindergarten Approved Program My Cubby house Early Learning

Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines

The QKLG supports kindergarten teachers’ professional practice in a range of contexts across Queensland.

It adopts the vision of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) that ‘all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life’.

The QKLG provides specificity for children’s learning across the year before starting school, recognising that children bring with them diverse identities and backgrounds. It acknowledges that parents/carers are children’s first teachers and values the vital role families play in children’s lives and their ongoing learning. The term ‘families’ is used throughout the guideline to recognise the range of people who take on parenting roles.

The QKLG provides a framework aligned to the EYLF and is designed to support teachers to plan and implement quality teaching and learning.

Nurturing Children To Grow and Flourish

Philosophy of Learning. Committed to Excellence

Our curriculum is based on the research of the most renowned education experts. Designed by our education team, it’s created to support these important early years, to inspire children to be bold explorers today and joyful, confident learners for life. We believe that children learn best through play and are inspired by child-based learning. We have several different areas of play in each of our groups.

Our Curriculum Elements

abecedarian learning my cubby house early learning gold coast

Abecedarian Approach

3a is a set of evidence-based teaching and learning strategies for early childhood educators and parents to use with children from birth to five. Click to learn more.

Circle of

The Circle of Security is a visual map of attachment. The “father” of attachment theory, John Bowlby, said this about attachment: "Intimate attachments to other human beings are the hub around which a person's life revolves, not only as an infant or a toddler or a schoolchild but throughout adolescence and years of maturity as well, and on into old age. Click to learn more.

Sustainability Program

Our Kids in the Garden and Sustainability Program provides children with opportunity to engage in experiences to learn about the natural world. We use the integrated school health resources to support the program.

Early Years
Learning Framework

At MCH we implement the EYLF in all our classrooms from 0-5 years using the 5 learning outcomes, principles and practices. It guides educators in their curriculum decision-making and assists in planning, implementing and evaluating quality in early childhood settings. Click to learn more.

Loose Parts

Loose parts play is a type of play with objects that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, and taken apart and put back together in multiple ways. Loose parts play helps children develop creative and critical thinking skills by encouraging them to use their imagination and experiment with new ideas freely. Click to learn more.

Action Plan

Jingeri! “We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the Land on which our service stands and pay respect to Elders past, present, and future, on whose Land we play and learn. Here are the mountains, here is the sea, here are my friends, come play with me.” At My Cubby House, we endeavour to work together to contribute to a truly reconciled Australia.

Queensland Kindergarten Funding – For Children in Kindergarten Crossing

Families who are eligible for the Queensland kindergarten funding may be entitled to fee discounts.

Child Eligibility Criteria:

  • At least for 4yrs of age by June 30 in the year commencing kindergarten.
  • Must attend and approved kindergarten Program for a minimum of 15 hours a week.
  • Please attach a copy of your child’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Statutory Declaration or Government issued letter verifying your child’s date of birth.

Families can only be eligible for either FTB or Kindy plus.

All eligible children enrolled will be eligible for the $3 daily discount.

Funding OfferedEligibilityDocumentation / Evidence required

MCH Base Subsidy Funding

$3 per day discount

Meet child QKF Eligibility CriteraChild’s Birth Certificate, Passport, Statutory Declaraion or Government issued letter verifying your child’s date of birth

Affordability Funding – Kindy Plus

$1,409.50 per annum/ $352.37 per term

Must meet one of the following requirements:

*Health Care or pension Concession card
*Veterans Card
*Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin
*Refugees hold an Australian government issued visa under the refugee or humanitarian program

Provide a copy of a current and acceptable card, visa or documentation.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Origin- No evidence required.

Affordability Funding – FTB

(Family Tax Benefit)

$500 per annum/$125 per term

Family Tax Benefit Part A or Part B payment in the previous financial year?(i.e. 2021/2022 financial year for 2023 enrolmentFamily Tax Benefit Eligibility Letter of previous financial year

If parents are eligible for additional funding this will be applied on a weekly basis and will reduce the out-of-pocket expenses each week for eligible families.

Want to know more?

Book A Tour Of Our Centre

If you would like to know more about the educational program offered at My Cubby House, why not book a tour of our centre where our Educational Leaders will be more than happy to provide all of the information you require.

Book A Tour

Senior Kindergarten Child Care Southport My Cubby House