
Staying healthy in childcare


Staying healthy in childcare

At My Cubby House, we take the health and wellbeing of children in our care very seriously.

As such, all of our staff and educators are trained in, and follow strict health and safety procedures, as outlined in the National Health and Medical Research Council’s publication: Staying Healthy – Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services.

Staying Healthy provides educators and other staff working in education and care services with simple and effective methods for minimising the spread of disease. It contains more ‘how to’ advice on procedures and discussing exclusion periods with parents.


The advice is presented in six parts: 

  • concepts of infection control
  • monitoring illness in children
  • procedures
  • issues for employers, educators and other staff
  • fact sheets on diseases common to education and care services
  • forms, useful contacts and websites.

For ease of access, below are links to a number of useful resources that you may like to download:

Breaking the chain of infection – Information for families

What causes infections – Information for families

Exclusion periods explained – Information for families

Part 5 Fact sheet – Croup

Part 5 Fact sheet – Warts

For more information, you may like to download the entire document:

Staying Healthy: Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services (5th Edition)

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about how we care for the health of children in our care, please call our office on 07 5527 1679.

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