
School Readiness

School Readiness Blog - Child Care Southport Gold Coast - My Cubby House

School readiness is sometimes misunderstood as being able to read, write and do basic maths before starting school. But this isn’t the case! School readiness includes the development of the whole child’s skills that develop over time from a child’s birth through school admission age. 

School readiness comprises the areas of social-emotional, communication skills, basic health, fine motor skills cognitive, language, literacy, and physical development. Kids cannot feel comfortable at school if they haven’t developed the skills to manage things like getting along with other kids, following instructions, and communicating their needs.

Remember, every child develops at their own pace and has his own strengths, interests, nature and attitude to learning so don’t worry if your child doesn’t establish all of the ‘school readiness’ skills and behaviours defined above. 

Domains of school readiness

An additional feature of how the idea of school readiness has broadened relates to the developmental domains considered related to a child’s school readiness. These are now understood to involve all aspects of early childhood development. The domains include:

  • Physical health and well-being
  • Social information and competence
  • Emotional maturity
  • Language and intellectual development
  • General knowledge and communication skills

Our aim at My Cubby House Early Learning is to motivate children and promote a teaching method that fits each child rather than trying to fit the child into the program. We aim at building children’s confidence-level and encourage a love of learning. To ensure that children have the best head start and have learned all the skills essential for BIG SCHOOL. 

Starting primary school is an important time in the lives of kids and their families. It’s about the little steps, the small accomplishments that boost kids to strive, learn and challenge themselves. A teaching program that is flexible and accommodates all children and learning styles. ‘School readiness’ in children includes many different skills and behaviours and how we can help our little one get ready for starting school.

Social skills

Social skills mean getting along with other kids, to demonstrate basic manners, assert themselves, and support them to be able to play independently as well as with other kids. The specific social skills for your child to learn before starting school to share and take turns. It is important for your child to learn to eat with other people. Little kids learn best through play! This gives your little one the chance to develop their social skills.

Emotional and social maturity

Being able to manage their emotions, cope with minimal adult contact in large groups, focus on tasks, follow directions and instructions from teachers, cope with the stress of the new school environment, and understand the rules. Developing self-control, building problem-solving skills, forming relationships with others and recognising feelings in yourself and others. When children are better able to form and maintain friendships when they develop strong social-emotional skills, and better able to focus attention on learning.

Language skills

Language skills mean that the child can talk and listen to adults and other children, speak clearly, communicate needs, understand stories, and begin to identify some letters and sounds. Read with your child as often as possible. If a child has some reading skills already, that’s great! And if he is having some difficulty or has delayed reading skills, they will be taught how to read at school. Read books, stories and sight words with your little one, talk to them about the story, point out new words, and ask questions as this will help with their comprehension, vocabulary and language skills.

Cognitive Skills

Cognitive skills mean to have simple number concept, basic thinking skills, being able to wait and take turns.

Help your child develop a basic awareness of numbers by helping out around the home. They could set the table, count plates or glasses, match socks from the washing line or measure the ingredients for some baking.

Basic health, fine motor skills, the grasping skills like gripping a pencil and turning pages in a book, physical coordination (being able to run, jump, climb, and play ball). Plan outdoor play: jumping, swinging, running and playing on climbing apparatus. Let your child practice drawing with a range of different materials, such as pencils and colours to help develop their fine motor skills and remember to admire their efforts!

School Readiness Checklist

There are many different versions of the school readiness checklist to indicate if your child is ready for the classroom. There are many ways we can assess our kids are as ready as they can be for school, and the sooner you start training them, the better. Your child doesn’t need to master these areas but you should be working towards developing the skills and abilities on our school readiness checklist. You will be preparing your child and see if her or she:

  •   Manages routines, like going to the toilet, brushing teeth, and dress self
  •   Chooses what activities to learn and play,
  •   Takes turns and shares with others,
  •   Expresses feelings and why they feel a certain way,
  •   Solves problems, like finishing a puzzle,
  •   Shares their learning ideas and discoveries with others,
  •   Can tend to their own needs,
  •   Recognises their own belongings,
  •   Has developed positive peer relationship,
  •   Can accept guidance or direction from an adult.

If you would like further information on how we approach school readiness for your child, please call us on 07 5527 1679.

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